Friday, January 9, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Tell Tale Heart

I remember watching this movie in 8th grade. I remember the one scene where he can't take the guilt anymore and goes crazy because it woke me up from my in class nap. Just watch the first few seconds and you can see why everyone fell asleep.

A few years later I saw an episode of Spongebob and I saw that same scene that I remembered from 8th grade and it brought the whole story back to me. I would have much rather seen this version even if it is just a stupid cartoon, it conveys the same meaning of guilt.

Now in college I have gone back and found even more literary references in Spongebob like the episode called "Clams" that uses Moby Dick references. It's funny that these great works of literary history have found their way into the plot of a popular children's cartoon.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Harry Potter Wizardry

Even if I saw this happen in person I wouldn't believe that it's real

Made with colored pencils... She could probably make something good with dollar store crayons too

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Starry Night

Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh.

I think almost everyone has seen this painting before or some reference to it.  I read The Letters of Vincent van Gogh for a class last semester and it amazed me that van Gogh was not appreciated at all during his lifetime, it was only much after his death that his paintings were recognized to be great. Throughout his life he and his brother wrote letters to each other and reading these allows you to see inside the mind of a mentally troubled, artistic genius.

This painting also inspired a famous Don McLean song, which in turn inspired the rapper Tupac Shakur. Tupac even wrote a poem about van Gogh. It's crazy that van Gogh, who was unknown during his lifetime, is now known throughout the world. His influence can be seen in many different art forms.

Jimi Hendrix Street Art

I just wonder how someone saw that tree and thought of Jimi Hendrix, and then created this. Creativity is everywhere.

Audrey Hepburn Street Art

I saw this in New York while I was in Little Italy.  So many people were stopping and taking pictures with it. I'm guessing this was a pre-approved piece and not illegal, but shows that street art can be very creative and appealing.

The original picture of Hepburn comes from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's which was based off of the novella by Truman Copote.

Pretty Incredible Spray Paint Art

The work this guy does is incredible. There are a lot of artists who choose to use spray paint as their paintbrush. I never would have thought something this detailed could be created from spray paint, check it out.